
Something Very Strange Is Going On In The Pacific - A 'Perfect Cocktail' Of 'Toxic Death Dumps'

- Were Nearly 10,000 Hospitalized In Australia Victims Of A Bio-Weapon Attack? 

All News Pipeline received an email on Thursday from a reader who lives in Australia who was very concerned that the recent 'thunderstorms' that killed at least 4 people and put 8,500+ others into hospitals around the Melbourne, Australia area were anything but 'normal' thunderstorms. As Samantha tells us, she is very concerned that a possible bioweapon attack had been carried out upon Australia and while ANP is unable to confirm her theory at this time, we will outline some very strong evidence below that proves something very, very strange indeed is going on in Australia and throughout large parts of the Pacific.

BULLS-EYE! M2.7 Earthquake Directly in the mouth of Yellowstone Super Volcano

A "noticeable" Magnitude 2.7 earthquake struck inside the caldera (mouth) of the Yellowstone Super Volcano early today.  The quake struck at 12:10 AM eastern US time, at a VERY shallow depth of only 3.9  km (2.4 miles).  That is a very shallow depth for any earthquake to take place, and is especially worrisome given the gigantic magma chamber which lies beneath the super volcano.
For those who may not be familiar, Yellowstone is not merely a volcano, it is a super-volcano.  There are only fourteen super-volcanoes on the planet, and 13 of those are under oceans.  Yellowstone is the ONLY super-volcano on the planet situated on dry land.


U.S. Govt To Mass Administer Flu Vaccine Using Chemtrails

The American government are considering administering a flu vaccine across the entire country via aerosol spraying – otherwise known as chemtrails. 
The ineffective FluMist nasal spray will be reformulated in order to spray untold amounts of live versions of the flu virus on members of the public, in the interests of their “health”.

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

When drug companies are caught faking clinical trial data, no one is surprised anymore. When vaccine manufacturers spike their human trial samples with animal antibodies to make sure their vaccines appear to work, we all just figure that's how they do business: lying, cheating, deceiving and violating the law.

Now, in what might be the largest scientific fraud ever uncovered, NASA and the NOAA have been caught red-handed altering historical temperature data to produce a "climate change narrative" that defies reality. This finding, originally documented on the Real Science website, is detailed here.

Canadian government orders residents to get rid of their old wood-burning stoves or pay thousands of dollars in fines

(ClimateAndGmoNews) In a blatant attack on those who prefer living as self-sufficiently as possible, citizens of Montreal have been ordered to first register their wood-burning stoves, and then ultimately get rid of them within three years, unless they meet rigid air quality standards.


Compilation of 12 fake news stories from the mainstream media

(ClimateAndGmoNews) With all of the politically-charged talk about banning "fake news" sites, it seems appropriate to review some of the worst fake news stories pushed by mainstream media outlets. No matter how large your family gathering is this Thanksgiving, you won't be chowing down on a turkey as big as these phony stories from A-list television shows and publications.

Scientists Are Predicting Polar Vortex To Bring Big Freeze And Coldest Winter For Five Years :”People Should Be Prepared For a Real Flagstaff Winter”

Scientists Are Predicting Polar Vortex To Bring Big Freeze And Coldest Winter For Five Years

Polar vortex enters Northern U.S.
The stratospheric polar vortex is a large-scale region of air that is contained by a strong west-to-east jet stream that circles the polar region. This jet stream is usually referred to as the polar night jet. The polar vortex extends from the tropopause (the dividing line between the stratosphere and troposphere) through the stratosphere and into the mesosphere (above 50 km). Low values of ozone and cold temperatures are associated with the air inside the vortex.

Where to Go When You Don’t Have a Nuclear Bunker - PrepperFortress


When You Don’t Have a Nuclear Bunker

Nuclear war isn’t something a lot of people worry about these days. After all, the Cold War is over, right? Well, with what has been going on with Russia and the Ukraine over the past couple of years, it looks as though the Cold War is firing up again, not to mention the fact that terrorism is occurring at an accelerated rate across the globe. And then there is the threat of North Korea’s nuclear development, which if real, is something to concern us all.

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level

Arctic scientists have warned that the increasingly rapid melting of the ice cap risks triggering 19 “tipping points” in the region that could have catastrophic consequences around the globe.
The Arctic Resilience Report found that the effects of Arctic warming could be felt as far away as the Indian Ocean, in a stark warning that changes in the region could cause uncontrollable climate change at a global level.

Top British Doctor Predicts Trump Will Suffer Heart Attack

A top British doctor has predicted that Donald Trump will suffer a potentially fatal heart attack when he enters the White House. 
Cardiologist Dr Patrick Heck says that Trump’s recent gruelling schedule along with the impending presidency could push him over the edge in the coming months.
According to Dr Heck, Donald Trump’s medical records show that the President-Elect is at “significant risk” of suffering a heart attack.

Trump Seeks Quickest Way To Quit Paris Climate Agreement: Report

US President-elect Donald Trump is looking at ways to quickly withdraw from a global agreement to limit climate change, according to a source on his transition team.
Trump has labeled climate change a hoax, an opinion which defies international support for the 2015 Paris Agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Trump once said he believed that the hoax was perpetrated by the Chinese “in order to make US manufacturing non competitive”

90 Percent Of Gaza Has No Clean Drinking Water

1.9 million Palestinians are trapped in a narrow strip of land, living under an illegal blockade enforced by Israel.
Only 10 percent of Gazans have access to clean drinking water, the World Bank said on Tuesday, calling the situation “alarming”.
Gaza’s water supply could be irreversibly ruined soon as sea water seeps into destroyed infrastructure making the Palestinian territory uninhabitable.

Exxon Mobil: Rockefellers Behind Climate Change Conspiracy

Exxon Mobil has accused the Rockefellers of masterminding a climate change conspiracy aimed at destroying the fossil fuel industry.
The company has launched a campaign to defend its image after the Rockefeller family pressured lawyers, journalists and environmental groups to try and destroy the oil and gas company.

Angry Argentine Farmers Destroy ‘Poisonous’ Monsanto Facility

A group of angry farmers in Argentina have successfully stopped the expansion of a Monsanto facility and have halted future construction plans.

Farmers, anti-GMO activists, and concerned citizens bravely occupied the Monsanto plant in Malvinas, Argentina, by descending on the property and refusing to vacate.


How Donald Rumsfeld Got Toxic Aspartame Approved

Most people have heard of aspartame the toxic chemical sweetener which is now used in thousands of food products, drinks and medicines worldwide
It just so happens that it is also one of the most dangerous food additives today.
Were you aware that Aspartame was banned by the FDA twice?  So how is this product legal now?

Monsanto Kicked Out Of Argentina

Monsanto has announced plans to tear down their multi-million dollar GMO seed plant in Argentina and leave the country amid huge protests against the agricultural giant. 
A Monsanto spokesperson downplayed the departure from Argentina, claiming that economic reasons are the only reason they decided to shut down the seed plant.

Big Pharma Giant Bayer Takes Over Toxic Monsanto For $66 Billion

It was announced today that big pharma giant Bayer will acquire Monsanto and their poisonous goodies for an estimated $66 billion dollars.
The German pharmaceutical company agreed to buy the American GMO company for $128 a share. The acquisition values Monsanto’s equity at approximately $56 billion, but including debt, the deal is worth nearly $66 billion.

A Marriage Made in Hell: Bayer Agrees To Buy Monsanto

The two multinationals that teamed up during the Vietnam War to poison millions of people with Agent Orange are to become one.

Over 700,000 Petition DOJ To Stop Bayer-Monsanto Merger

This includes the merger of chemical and pharmaceutical giant Bayer AG and GMO specialist Monsanto, responsible for creating Agent Orange, PCBs, Roundup (glyphosate) and other toxins.

Monsanto “Crimes Against Humanity” Tribunal Due To Start In Hague

Monsanto will be the target of what amounts to a ‘crimes against humanity’ tribunal in Hague Netherlands which officially begins on Friday October 14, 2016.
The aim of the Tribunal is to give a legal opinion on the environmental and health damage caused by the insidious agrichemical giant, Monsanto.

Apocalyptic Eco Collapse: Bees Declared Endangered In U.S.

It is alleged that the scientific genius of our age Albert Einstein once said: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.”

Monsanto Stands Trial For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ At The Hague

Biotech giant Monsanto is facing charges of ‘crimes against humanity’ at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
A three-day mock trial began on Friday 14 October, headed by anti-GM food activists, in order to establish a legal mechanism that could hold corporations accountable for damage they cause in the pursuit of profit.

Italy Bans Monsanto’s Roundup From Public Places

Italy’s Ministry of Health has placed heavy restrictions on the use of Monsanto’s ‘probably carcinogenic’ herbicide, Roundup.
Spraying of the active ingredient glyphosate has been banned in areas frequented by the public or by “vulnerable groups”

Bayer Monsanto Merger Will Steal The Marijuana Industry

Marijuana industry insiders believe that the international corporation will destroy the industry, genetically modify the seeds and rob people of the diversity and natural benefits of cannabis. Besides the health fears associated with GMOs, the company also plans to supply the necessary chemicals and fertilizers to attack marijuana seed breeders in the same way that Monsanto used RoundUp to attack farmers worldwide.

Scientists Told To ‘Remain Silent’ On Glyphosate Cancer Findings

The World Health Organization (WHO) have told scientists to stay silent on documents relating to the cancer-causing dangers associated with glyphosate.
In a letter, officials from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) warned scientists against disclosing information from a 2015 study that suggests that Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup is carcinogenic.

EPA Quietly Approve Monsanto’s New Dicamba Herbicide

The US Environmental Protection Agency has quietly approved the use of Monsanto’s new herbicide, which the company claim is less “volatile” than all alternative dicamba-based compounds.
The alternatives have already caused massive crop damage, lawsuits and even bloodshed in the past.
The EPA approved usage of the toxic dicamba-based herbicide XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology on Wednesday, the day after the US Presidential election.

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Given Green Light In Florida

Genetically modified mosquitoes could soon be unleashed in Florida.
On November 19th, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District to formally approved a field trial release of genetically-modified mosquitoes.
Developed by UK biotechnology firm Oxitec, the engineered mosquitoes are intended to be used in the fight against dengue fever as well as the Zika virus as they carry a gene that makes their offspring die early.

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