Morgan Freeman Tells Hollywood “Shut The Hell Up About Trump”
Respected actor and narrator Morgan Freeman has urged his fellow Hollywood actors to stop criticising President Trump and ditch the cry-baby narrative that currently dominates the media.
In a new interview with AARP Magazine, Freeman said that actors and entertainers should support the President and give him a chance to prove himself.
Trump Is Right: Obama Killed Far More People Than Putin
When President Trump said “You think our country’s so innocent?” to Bill O’Reilly on Fox News he showed why he is the most effective politician in the country right now. By cutting straight through the crap and speaking to people on the level they deserve, Trump proved he is the leader for our times.
“Unimaginable” Radiation Levels Detected At Fukushima
Radiation levels have reached what experts have called an “unimaginable” intensity inside the containment structure of reactor No. 2 at the Fukushima nuclear facility
The facility’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) say that the level of radiation measured inside the reactor is 530 sieverts per hour, which is more than 100 times the intensity needed to kill most humans who are exposed for just a brief time.
MIT Scientist: You Are Being Lied To About Eating Wheat
Modern wheat is “slowly poisoning and killing our population” according to scientists who claim the government is covering up the effects of toxic glyphosphate poisoning.
The use of Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide has increased substantially over the last 40 years. Many researchers are starting to believe that increased use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-up, correlates to the rise in many modern diseases.
George Soros Plotting ‘Financial Armageddon’ To Stop Trump
The notorious globalist billionaire believes the market is Trump's weak point. He claims Trump has "no chance" of surviving his upcoming market assault, gloating that the future POTUS will be destroyed and unable to focus on making America great again.
Frustrated by his failed attempts to control future US and world policy, George Soros has returned to what he knows best – market manipulation – in an attempt to stop Trump from dismantling meticulous plans for a New World Order.
Hawaii Never Verified Obama’s Birth Certificate
Today is the last day of 2016, but it's also Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's last day in office. Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse team have been diligent in investigating the fraudulent documents of the usurper-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. Now, it's been confirmed that Hawaii never verified the validity of the birth certificate on the White House website.
According to WND:
Whistleblower Clinton Foundation CEO Missing, Presumed Dead
Fears are growing over the whereabouts of Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman after he went missing in October following accusations that he leaked the Podesta emails to WikiLeaks.
Some fear that Braverman may have been killed, since an email mentioning his name was released by WikiLeaks in which Clinton Campaign chair John Podesta accused the CEO of leaking details about corruption in the organisation to the press.
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