
Hillary Crony Cites "Revenge for Pizzagate" as Reason Flynn Ousted from Trump Cabinet

Is it sweet revenge, or just desserts?
Gen. Michael Flynn resigned suddenly from Trump’s cabinet after it came to light that the National Security Advisor had not told the Vice President or President about his conversations with Russia regarding sanctions.

A scandal has since unfolded, and will continue in the media; Gen. Flynn has fallen on his sword. Via the Guardian:
General Michael Flynn has resigned as Donald Trump’s national security adviser after weeks of speculation over his links to Russia turned into days of reporting on the contents of his calls with the Russian ambassador and a day of intense pressure over whether the president could continue to back his pick.
But is there more to the inner-workings and behind stage schemes that led to his demise?
The reaction from one of Hillary Clinton’s closest advisors, and a retweet from the would-be queen herself, suggests that there may have been some Machiavellian intrigue at work.
That depends upon how you interpret the comments of Philippe Reines, a man who previously served as Senior Advisor to Secretary of State Clinton, and who since 2013 (when Hillary resigned) has been working at the shadowy security consulting firm Beacon Global Strategies LLC, founded by a cadre of ex-CIA and ex-defense figures surrounding Hillary, including former CIA/Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, also part of the firm, and who was Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff during his second term.
Dear Mike Flynn & Mike Flynn Jr.,
What goes around COMETS around.
And given your pizza obsession...https://t.co/rmyO7wyJKX
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) February 14, 2017
Hillary Clinton then retweeted and personally responded to Gen. Flynn’s ousting on her own Twitter account:
Philippe's got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news... https://t.co/a02sXiaHfp
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 14, 2017
This is significant because Michael Flynn was the only one Trump’s appointees to publicly discuss or share information about the so-called “Pizzagate” scandalthat alleged connections between John Podesta and other Clintonites, a place called Comet Ping Pong and alleged child trafficking and/or pedophile activities.
By hinting that there are “real consequences of fake news,” Hillary pretty much admitted that her team have still been seeking revenge against enemies perceived and real after her electoral defeat in November. Clearly, Hillary, Reines and however many other surrogates from her campaign are not willing to let it go.
Both Michael Flynn Sr. and his son, Michael G. Flynn discussed rumors and accusations surrounding the Clinton camp – whether or not these claims have a solid basis is a separate matter.

Arguably, it could have been the late hour “pizzagate” allegations that sunk Hillary’s campaign, or at least made its inner core deeply concerned about how many skeletons were going to spill out of the closet. By raising the alarm about “fake news,” and the convenient appearance of a man with a gun who went to Comet to “self-investigate,” the story was quickly quashed from all but the most dogged corners of the Internet.
His son, 33 years old, was also part of Trump’s transition team, but forced to step down after referencing #Pizzagate – today thrown back in Flynn’s face by one of Hillary Clinton’s closest staff members. From the BBC back in December:
One of Donald Trump’s aides has lost his job after fanning a conspiracy theory that climaxed at the weekend in gunfire at a pizzeria.
Michael Flynn, 33, left the US president-elect’s transition team on Tuesday following his tweets about the so-called Pizzagate fake news story.
His father, Michael Flynn Snr, Mr Trump’s pick to be US national security adviser, has also shared viral hoaxes.
Now, it seems that things have come full circle – and both Flynn’s are out. Is it all just a coincidence?
It doesn’t seem out of line to suggest that the tight circle of CIA and defense consultants and policy wonks who were to have operated Hillary’s cabinet are joyous, if not still bitter, about their resignations and the fact that the crowd who stole their assumed ‘rightful’ place in the White House are now taking flak.
Philippe Reines, for one, has been gunning for Flynn for a while now:
Reminder to media: this is 2nd time Flynn's shenanigans have compromised the credibility of @VP.
Won't be a 3rd.https://t.co/yb04KXhpTf
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) February 13, 2017
Shortest National Security Advisor stint? Ike's William Jackson, 128 days. Flynn's 129th is 5/29. Not gonna make it. https://t.co/AqqtZWz5L2
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) February 11, 2017
Flynn's doner than done.
On to Phase II: RAMPANT BASELESS SPECULATION about his replacement. I'll start:
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) February 11, 2017
Delicious massacre of Flynn (aka Bannon 'profile'). Hicks (not P): "Full confidence" = Death Knell; tick tick tick. https://t.co/cpDhz0fuXI.
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) January 30, 2017
It wouldn’t take a genius to connect their snickering with the stumbles of Trump’s cabinet – after all, 2016 was less a campaign and more of a dirty tricks scramble to take the Oval Office. That level of covert warfare is never satisfied with due process, the will of the people or the peaceful transition of power.
Incidentally, Beacon Global Strategies is also home to the former deputy director of the CIA – who we have reported on SHTF for openly antagonizing Putin, as well as Iran and Syria, and advocating killing people closely surrounding the leaders of each of these countries. As he boldly told Charlie Rose, they have their ways of “sending a message.”
If Team Hillary is exacting revenged against the Trump Administration for the consequences of their no holds barred fight for power, there may be attempts to unseat other important figures close to Trump.
Flynn may have created his own mess, but there were those who were quite willing to help assist his dramatic fall out of power.
Article reposted with permission from SHTF Plan

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